PRESS RELEASE February 3, 2024
Michigan Representatives Mike Hoadley and Bill G. Schuette introduce legislation to provide option to Seniors and Permanently Disabled with Homestead to Defer the Construction Special Assessment
House Bill 5419 to amend Act 225 of 1976 House Bill 5420 to amend Act 225 of 1976
Up until 2020, the State of Michigan offered an option for people meeting specific criteria to defer special assessments until their property exchanged hands. After 44 years, in 2020 the State retired this program.
February 1, 2024 - Legislation introduced, if passed, will reinstate the DEFERMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON HOMESTEADS program. https://gophouse.org/posts/reps-schuette-hoadley-work-to-provide-financial-relief-for-seniors-in-the-four-lakes-area
Here are key points of the proposed legislation:
To qualify for the special assessment deferment, an individual or their spouse (if jointly owned) must:
-- Be at least 65 years of age or permanently disabled -- Be a homestead primary residence
-- Be a Michigan resident for 5 years or more -- Be a citizen of the United States
-- Have owned and occupied the homestead for 5 -- Meet household income requirements
years or more
The proposed legislation will have the State of Michigan assume the Special Assessment Amount and place a “First Lien” on the property until the property exchanges ownership. This provides an option for people that meet the criteria to remain in their home until the property is sold. At the time of sale, proceeds from the property pays off the “First Lien” to the State of Michigan.
Secord Township Supervisor Joel Vernier spearheaded the restoration of this program with key stakeholders. Joel worked closely with the FLTF, Secord Lake Association, Gladwin County Commissioners, Region 7 Area Agency on Aging along with Representatives Hoadley and Schuette to create awareness of the need for this program.
“We have anticipated the impact the special assessment can have for some of our seniors on fixed incomes”, said Joel Vernier. “We are excited to have legislative sponsorship to reinstate this program. Our heartfelt thanks to Representatives Hoadley and Schuette, along with their staff, for their enthusiastic support. We will keep the community aware of the bills’ progress through the House and Senate. Our goal is for the Governor to sign this into law before the assessment goes into effect. If we need help with letters of support, we have our friends with FLTF, the Lake Associations, RestoreTheLakes, and Counties to lend a hand.”
“I want to thank Representatives Hoadly and Schuette for these bills, and Secord Township Supervisor Joel Vernier who led this initiative on behalf of our community,” said President of Four Lakes Task Force, Dave Kepler. “While there is still work to do, this is a great step forward to support seniors in need.”
​HOW CAN YOU HELP: At this point the legislation is with the committee chair. The next step required is for the bill(s) to be formally moved to committee. Once introduced to committee, law makers will seek input from the public regarding how to make these bills appropriate to assist those they are intended to help. Click below for a letter / email template to ask the Tax Policy Committee Chair Representative Cynthia Neeley for the bills to be moved to her committee.